Risk Based Cleanup

Experience indicates that decontamination of soil and groundwater is often not feasible because of the technical limitations imposed by natural subsurface conditions and contaminant properties and/or the high costs involved. In addition, the high cost of site remediation is often inappropriate when compared to the low magnitude of impact on groundwater resources. In short, resources are often squandered trying to return sites to pristine conditions. Fortunately, the risk based corrective action (RBCA) process focuses on the goal of protecting human health and the environment rather than the goal of achieving a contaminant-free site. Earth Systems often uses the RBCA approach to greatly reduce the cost of remediation while protecting public health and the environment. We combine good science and a real world common sense perspective to develop a safe and practical technical solution. The keys to Earth Systems’ effective use of risk based cleanup are qualified and competent professionals with adequate training and experience, and keeping open communications with regulators.

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